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In a prior step, PIMs computes depth map for each image. PIMs2Mnt merges these individual depth maps in a global digital surface (or elevation) model.
Name of this tool comes from "Per Image Matching" (PIM) and the French "Modèle Numérique de Terrain" (MNT) which is generally translated by "Digital Elevation Model" (DEM).


The basic syntax for PIMs2MNT is:

mm3d PIMs2Mnt PIMsType NamedArgs

Mandatory unnamed arguments

 * string :: {Dir or PIM-Type (QuickMac ...)}

Authorized values are the same the types used with PIMs (Type in (Ground, Statue, Forest, TestIGN, QuickMac, MicMac, BigMac, MTDTmp).
The chosen type must have been computed at the prior step with the this tool.

Unmandatory named arguments

 * [Name=DS] REAL :: {Downscale, Def=1.0}
 * [Name=ZReg] REAL :: {Regularisation, context depend}
 * [Name=Repere] string :: {Repair (Euclid or Cyl)}
 * [Name=Pat] string :: {Pattern, def = all existing clouds}
 * [Name=DoMnt] bool :: { Compute DTM , def=true (use false to return only ortho)}
 * [Name=DoOrtho] bool :: {Generate ortho photo,  def=false}
 * [Name=MasqImGlob] string :: {Global Masq for ortho: if used, give full name of masq (e.g. MasqGlob.tif) }
 * [Name=Debug] bool :: {Debug !!!}
 * [Name=UseTA] bool :: {Use TA as filter when exist (Def=false)}
 * [Name=RI] REAL :: {Resol Im, def=1 }


A basic help can be asked with

 mm3d PIMs2Mnt -help 


PIms2MNT is part of the new pipeline of simplified tools for dense patching and orthorectification.

Picto-previous.png Previous Command : PIMs
Picto-next.png Next Command : Tawny.


  • In the Cuxa Auto dataset, you can launch :
mm3d PIMs2Mnt BigMac DoMnt=1 DoOrtho=1

 mm3d Pims2MNT MicMac DoOrtho=1 


As for other tools, arguments can be chosen through a GUI using the command:


Notes about DEM

PIMs generates DEMs which can be retrieved in the file :


Generated DEM is not recorded in the coordinates system, even if it is georeferenced (with a TFW file). Difference stands in a translation and scale factor : by this way, it accommodates better the limitations of floating point precision on very high precision data.

They are stored in a local system which can be transform in the initial one using parameters specified in the file :


Example of this file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
     <NombrePixels>6324 8584</NombrePixels>
     <OriginePlani>300.94499999999999 939.577</OriginePlani>
     <ResolutionPlani>0.00050000000000000001 -0.00050000000000000001</ResolutionPlani>

FIXME which parameters has to be applied?
- ResolutionPlani as Z scale factor?
- ResolutionAlti as Z scale factor?
- +OriginePlani for the XY translation?
- +OrigineAlti for the Z translation?