De MicMac
SaisieMasq is a very simple tool to edit mask images. It creates a binary mask image from a polygonal selection in the displayed image.
Processing is as follow :
- Click: add a point to polygon
- Shift click: close polygon and apply selection
- Ctrl + right click: delete last point
- Shift + right click + Coul : switch between add mode and remove mode
- Shift + right click + Exit : save mask image and Xml file and quit
The global syntax for SaisieMasq is
mm3d SaisieMasq NameOfInputImage NamedArgs
You can access to the help by typing :
mm3d SaisieMasq -help
Mandatory unnamed args :
- string :: {Name of input image}
Named args :
- [Name=SzW] Pt2di :set window size (default=[900,700])
- [Name=Post] string :change postfix output file (default=_Masq)
- [Name=Name] string :: {Name of result, default toto->toto_Masq.tif}
- [Name=Gama] REAL : apply gamma to image
- [Name=Attr] string : string to add to postfix
Meaning of args is:
- First arg: pattern specifying the images to load (can be 1 or more images) - regular expression are supported.
- optional SzW, def = [900, 700], size of display window.
- optional Post, def = ”Masq” , postfix to add to output filename.
- optional Name, name of result.
- optional Gama, def = 1.0 , gama applied to images, it can help with dark images, or wide dynamics.
- optional Attr, text to add to postfix.
For example, with the Mur Saint-Martin dataset you can launch :
mm3d SaisieMasq IMGP4173.JPG Attr=MonPlan