De MicMac
Révision de 23 février 2016 à 17:36 par BorisLeroux (discussion | contributions)
This section describes SaisieAppuisInit the graphic interface to input 2D and 3D coordinates of ground control points.
The global syntax for SaisieAppuisInit is :
mm3d SaisieAppuisInit FullName Orientation PointName Output NamedArgs
You can access to the help by typing :
mm3d SaisieAppuisInit -help
Mandatory unnamed args :
- string :: {Full name (Dir+Pattern)}
- string :: {Orientation ; NONE if not used}
- string :: {Point name, or point file name}
- string :: {Output}
Named args :
- [Name=SzW] Pt2di :: {Sz of window}
- [Name=NbF] Pt2di :: {Nb of sub window (Def depends of number of images with max of 2x2)}
- [Name=NameAuto] string :: { Prefix for automatic point creation}
- [Name=Pref2Add] string :: { Prefix to add during import (for bug correction ?)}
- [Name=ForceGray] bool :: { Force gray image, def =true}
- [Name=OriMode] string :: {Orientation type (GRID) (Def=Std)}
- [Name=ZMoy] REAL :: {Average Z, Mandatory in PB}
- [Name=ZInc] REAL :: {Incertitude on Z, Mandatory in PB}
- [Name=InputSec] string :: {PIMs filter used for visibility}
For example with the Saint-Michel de Cuxa data set :
SaisieAppuisInit "Abbey-IMG_(021[12]|023[3456]).jpg" All-Rel NamePointInit.txt MesureInit.xml